The Sacred Book

The Sacred Book of Questions


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The Sacred Book of Questions

On the art of asking & answering...

What if... everything you long for lies within?
What if... every question you have has been answered by yourself already?
What if... you take full responsibility for your life?

What is The Sacred Book of Questions?
The Sacred Book of Questions is based on the system of chakras.
You will find 154 main questions divided into seven chapters, each one based on one of the seven primary chakras, meaning there are 22 main questions for each chakra. Many of the main questions will have at least one follow-up question; there are 290 questions in total.

...questions on love & life
...questions on self-worth
...questions on believe systems & thought patterns
...questions that question every question.

You will find two hand-illustrated pages with the numbers 1 to 7 to choose a chakra, and two hand-illustrated pages with the numbers 1 to 22 to choose a question. So in a way, the question chooses you!
The oracle book also includes suggestions on how to use meditation and mantras to support the art of asking.

You have the power to help yourself, to heal yourself. Use it!

Hinweis zum *Mängelexemplar der deutschen Fassung.
Das heilige Buch der Fragen in erster Edition hat einen kleinen Fehler, deswegen biete ich es hier zum günstigeren Preis an. Alles ist so wunderschön wie die englische Fassung, nur leider wurde der äußere Rand stark gekürzt, sodass die Schrift bis an den äußeren Rand geht. Das stört nicht weiter, alles ist lesbar, nichts fehlt, jedoch ist es nicht die ideale Version, deswegen der Rabatt. :) (limitiert erhältlich)

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